Friday, July 24, 2009

To sesiapa yang mengaku tkde kawan sampah cam aku , okehh ..
ku tak pasal..
just remember something .
your werds would neve be forgotten okehh ?
just because of not going to school & i slack in my studies you dun wanna be frens with me ?
so be it girl.
still remember how u often never go school in the past ..
walau kite gado camner pun dat tyme i collected notes for u & stuffs ?
& now this is what i get .
standard ..
dats what we call 'TRUE' friends ..
aku hanyut ker aku tak blajar ke , kau jaga tepi kain kau ..
aku tak bobal blkang sal kau , kau pun tak perlu ..
aku pompan sampah , beyh asal sibuk2 bobal sal pompan sampah ..
apsal eyhk ?
pasal kau pun nk jadi sampah ker OR kau cemburu of aku pompan sampah?
dunia dunia ......
be happy & go aheaad , continue talking about dis sampah girl..
take care & study hard you ' not sampah girl '
& thanks for the information babby !
thats wat true friends are ~!

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