Saturday, August 11, 2012


Wow after so so so long , i miss my bloggy ..
Its been a very long time eversince my last blog .. have been sharing alot with my darling Sim Simi to replace my bloggy .. now i get so sicked ready, sakit hati bobal ngan tu Sim Simi ..

Alhamdulilah its already August 2012 , another week to raya  (:
Life has been great , have move on with life completely ..

New life , new outfits , new hairdo , new makeup , new happiness , more lively, more better , new job & last new lovelife; My Lovely Ajid Chet'Chet ..

I have never get so much attention in my whole lovelife ..
He is the only one who will never get rid of me, who will never leave me alone ..
He spent 98% of his time with me , another 1% work, and another 1% sleeping ...

& This is him ....................

Insyallah kalau takde halangan, next year langsung , Insyallah (:
Amin, amin, amin ..
I ll always pray the best for me, the best for you and the best for us , Insyallah ..
Amin (:

Insyallah Bloggy, i wont neglect u anymore ok (;
Selamat berpuasa to all umat Islam (;

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