Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome Back Titi :)

its byn so long i didnt update yeayhs :)
i miss blogging ..
now , im hooked up with a lovely sweetheart , not really an angel but still getting my love stronger as days passes by ..
we were hooked up eversince 05th october 2009..
its byn a tough moment eversince im hooked to him ..
for the first 3 months i really suffocate, but yet , its still going strong ..
after our 3rd month he shows n extreme change ..
now , its SUPER Strong ~!
but on our 5th month , we were force to separate :(
DAMN ! It hurts~! he was sentence to cpc for 9 months , being charge of consumption and possesion of drugs.
Stupis isn't it ?
i know :)
Since he was sentence , my life was so miserable ~!
i swear ..
i was so down & gave up in life ..
im nt that Titi whom people use to know ..
i tried to ..
all my smile and laughter were jus fake !
i need him , i really do ..
but untill at a moment , were slacking at mel baby's home sweet home with isyah baby when ..
suddenly i fyl lyk logging on to his tagged , not to check but jus to kyp updating his account.
when i saw things which really pierce me deep in the heart !
i dunno how to describe how it fyls .
yuh , i was with my frens , i wouldnt want to spoil the day .
again , me and my smile but yeah , melyaw baby & iesyah manage to make me laugh ...
right iesyah ..?
- to iesyah , [ps . meee-oww!]
haishh ... after i was alone , back at home , was writing for him letter to be sent , & i was crying lyk hell ~!
it was flooding in my bedroom .
haish .. i dun wanna elaborate it all here , i dun wanna people to know what really happens & thinks badly of him ..
its ok , let it be kept to mysef .
iesyah & melyaw would know of course :)
haish forget bout it .
lets move on with life .
i have decide my life , after 9 months ended , im on my own :)
let put the past behind .
i love my friends :)

♥ i love you abdul rahman , 'thanks' :) ! ♥

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