Wednesday, March 24, 2010

iesyah beloh ..
cant calculate how much pictures i snap for her ..
guess thousand a day ?
or maybe culd i say in an hour .
had a great super FUN with her today .
now at her house , was here from 1 in the afternoon , till now ..
she was my model , cant deny she's beautiful in all outfits :)
gorgeous ladyy .
she was so the kecoh , it was a really fun day snapping this unpopular model ..
now not popular , if i advertise her photos , she ll be that HOT & POPULAR gorgeous ladyy :)
serious tawuk ..
the pix on top is not big enuf to put in ol d photos being snap .
ghaghagha .
ok , i got to go , i type2 & she sit alone ..
thanks for the wonderful day dearest :)
it's a great dayy my love :)
ps. iloveyou!

The fun day out ~!

iesyah giler ..
hahas , that legong always make me laugh out loud .
always make me laugh till i cnt ..
had a great fun having dinner with her ..
ghagha ..
had more than an hour eating there ..
really had a great fun ..
gila punya olang :)
tomorrow playing bubbles with that legong-girl ..
going to her home sweet home early in the morning , & gonna rock on :)
ghagha :)

ps. thats why i say i love you :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

For My Lovely Babies

To Rahaini , its byn a great long tyma eversince me talked .
Hope everything is just fyne for you .
I really hope that life have byn great for you nowadays.
you're GREATLY missed ~!
Hope you had erased bout your worse dark moments which happened to you in the past .
i believe you did it , you re a strong girl .
Hope you find the happiness & stay sweet !
iloveyou :) !

To Iesyah Sayang , forget bout that bloody jerk .
i believe what he says to you are all lies !
stupid guy !
give hope & shattered it.
BLOODY jerk ok !
sweetheart , u r super gorgeous , even amir fadzli says that :)
GO , kyp rolling in those dudettes in your life and forget bout him .
he might be the longest but never the Loveliest !
i believe you can do it gurl :)
Syah , dalam kehidupan ni , kita ada banyak cobaan and dalam setiap percintaan ada halangan dan rintangan..
semua yang berlaku ada hikmah nya . kita manusia , manusia semuanya tak sempurna , no one is perfect in this earth , let him be with his life ..
sometime , love nyd sacrifices.
kalau kita syg kan benda atau seseorang itu , kita harus tabah menghadapi segala ujian mahupun , ujian itu akhirnya dengan perpisahan .
if dat makes him happy , so be it ayte .
you got to be strong .
dis incident teach you alot of lessons rite.
take a moment of ur day n tink it thru , y did god seprate u both , n surprise u a new gift which is more usefull n meaningful . he might be the gift that u want , but sometimes , d gifts will rott too . manusia hanya boleh merancang , tapi , Tuhan yang menentukan. your 2 years relationship , have teach u alot , i believe tht. even a month relationship could teach someone alot , wats more , 2 years seyh ..
down the road you will get the gift that u never expected to be given to you , insyallah . dengan izin Tuhan , semuanya akan berlancar . leave him with his life . kita manusia janganlah berdendam.. you must let go , redha dgn ape yg berlaku ok .
k enuf , im nagging :) hehe .. dats it ! :)
he's a jerk , but we human shouldnt teach him a lesson , he would learn his lesson himself :)
stay strong aytes .
and stop being so lazy .
you paitao me a few tymes , say wanna go jog , as-if !
anyway , i love you gurl :)

to Melyaw Babby , you re the strongest among all :)
stay strong & you're always dere when frens are in need.
thanks baby :)
i hope you and the korean guy , FOREVER together yte
i believe you are going a good way in life , thats good .
you're really strong n patient gurl .
strive for your goal .
trust me , your future would be bright , coz you're a matured gurl , with good thoughts.
wish you luck in ur studie aytes :)
i love you sweet heart :)

To IfahhBob , alamak girl , i tak tau nk ckap aper ..
i dunnoe whats in ur life .
whatever it is , dun give up in doing good deeds in lyfe :)
& of course stay cute ayte miss SPONGEBOB :)

To Rya .. rya rya .. you r the gorgeous lady , dun destroy your health for ur past okehh ..
you advice me alot in the past ..
you re always dere wen anyone nyd u ...
even me , whom you re not dat close with ..
its byn a great tyme knowing you ..
you re really a great fren :)
you're a good listener , gd fren , everything .
sweetheart , you deserve being happy in life
you fill people's life with happiness , thanks alot ..
i really miss you lots ..
& stop ur diet .
u dun look nice wen u look so skinny ..
i miss that old , gorgeous rya :)
stay sweet & gorgeous aytes :)

To Papylon , babe , gwa takda pape nak ckp sal lu .. ni minah satu , takkn brubah ..
but i have some werds for u , up to u to listen or not ..
you r getting older seyh gurl ..
you r not getting younger ..
you r becoming a LADY not a GIRL..
you got to change ur way , gwa pun enjoy life beb , semua barang yang lu tak pernah try , semua gwa dah try dulu , nothing of what i had in the past help me now .. seriously ..
nak degil , degil trus ..
ur parent love u ..
dun get ino trouble ayte ..
you MUST take good care of urself before taking care of ur budak2 ..
they are different .
they are young .
you want to enjoy , sure y not , but limit ok ..
aku pun bukan mak ku nk bising2 . tapi aku memba siot ..
aku pening tengok cara kau ..
one thing , you feel how hurting is heartbroken , just dont do it to the others .
ohtey larlink ... find ur rite path ... :)
i love you :)

To FifyBintang , alhamdulilah you're back on ur track in skool. its gud to hear dat .
its ok , u wanna enjoy , nk lepak , nak mabuk , tkper gurl , asal dun leave ur skool .
dun be liken me aytes ..
menyesal tuh sudah siots .. :)
ghaghagha ..
anyway beb , be strong in all your famiy problems , try to control ur emotions .
dont mix with people you shouldn;t ayte ..
stay out of trouble budak kecik .
awak masih stenga jagung lagi , chill dulu beb ..
blajar mau lebih ok ..
gd luck in ur studies aytes :)
i love you :)

To Aliice , good luck in your life & good luck in your way :)
kyp on to your rite path ..
wish you all the best .
be happy ayte gurl .
i miss you :)

Welcome Back Titi :)

its byn so long i didnt update yeayhs :)
i miss blogging ..
now , im hooked up with a lovely sweetheart , not really an angel but still getting my love stronger as days passes by ..
we were hooked up eversince 05th october 2009..
its byn a tough moment eversince im hooked to him ..
for the first 3 months i really suffocate, but yet , its still going strong ..
after our 3rd month he shows n extreme change ..
now , its SUPER Strong ~!
but on our 5th month , we were force to separate :(
DAMN ! It hurts~! he was sentence to cpc for 9 months , being charge of consumption and possesion of drugs.
Stupis isn't it ?
i know :)
Since he was sentence , my life was so miserable ~!
i swear ..
i was so down & gave up in life ..
im nt that Titi whom people use to know ..
i tried to ..
all my smile and laughter were jus fake !
i need him , i really do ..
but untill at a moment , were slacking at mel baby's home sweet home with isyah baby when ..
suddenly i fyl lyk logging on to his tagged , not to check but jus to kyp updating his account.
when i saw things which really pierce me deep in the heart !
i dunno how to describe how it fyls .
yuh , i was with my frens , i wouldnt want to spoil the day .
again , me and my smile but yeah , melyaw baby & iesyah manage to make me laugh ...
right iesyah ..?
- to iesyah , [ps . meee-oww!]
haishh ... after i was alone , back at home , was writing for him letter to be sent , & i was crying lyk hell ~!
it was flooding in my bedroom .
haish .. i dun wanna elaborate it all here , i dun wanna people to know what really happens & thinks badly of him ..
its ok , let it be kept to mysef .
iesyah & melyaw would know of course :)
haish forget bout it .
lets move on with life .
i have decide my life , after 9 months ended , im on my own :)
let put the past behind .
i love my friends :)

♥ i love you abdul rahman , 'thanks' :) ! ♥