Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ohhhh AT last dapat blog ~! whee ~
rindu seyh ... tpy satu hari ajekk , pastu dah tklerh lagik ...
sedih lahh kan ...
everything have done & ended ~!
continuing my life , happily forevcr..
my life is getting more happier
just came back from riding the whole town ..
ohhh fish me & ifah reli laugh so much ...
ohhh gosh !
so super tired !
damn damn damn !
wanted to ride to marina barrage but yeah cancel , wen to leisure park & to ecp.
best lahhh kannn !!
kecoh ..
we really laugh out loud siiah ..
sial sial .....
best lahh kannn ...
haiish what a crzy time ...
terserempak ngn sisters lama & fish ! we reli haf fun !!!
stupid siah .. crazy dunnoe play card want play ...
ni minahrep sejati ?
aku rindu korang siiiiioolllll !!!!!
eh ifah eh .. hahas , haf fun kan kiter ..?
best kan kan kan kan ...
teeehheeeheeeeh ~!

hahahs.. ok dah cukup .
i getting more excited...
more n more riding trip okehh ..?
hahahahahahs !